Monday, March 29, 2010

Greattt Weekend

For some reason, I felt that last week gone past in a zoom. Hmm, would that be the right expression? Week 2 at work was quite a breeze and I'm slowly picking up things around the office, including that my skirt was a bit wee too short, and I need not wear a collared shirt under my jacket. Great ! Saves me from ironing any ! The week gone past, and came the weekend. Initially, I was looking forward to a quiet weekend at home, having the mentality that I have only have a one-day weekend. But then, the social side of me needs to get out and meet some ppl, so I was out all weekend !
After a half day work on Sat, I was out with Mom and her friend from Taiwan. Had to wave goodbye to the plan of bringing her up the skybridge after checking out the massive crowd at 7.30am, and I thought I was early! So we brought her around to visit her old school, SM Confucian, and then made a stop at both our house + grandma's.
Had a dinner appointment in the evening, it's been a while since I've seen this friend, so I went along for dinner with his friends at Alexis, Ampang. Recently I've been rather skeptical about meeting new ppl ( yes, some of you might find it weird to hear me say this), but all his friends were nice and fun, and sissy tagged along last minute. For dinner, I picked something from the menu, which had a rather interesting description. It was Angelhair Aglio Olio - served with grilled yabbies. A yabby is a name given in Australia to two different kinds of crustaceans. (Wikipedia). It was a lil costly, but it was worth trying.

After dinner, we went over to Zeta Bar @ KL Hilton for drinks and dancing. We did not get home until about 1am. It was a good night out, have not done this for a while.

*kiap* kiap*eat me*

Angelhair Aglio Olio

(Wish I can do it a bit more justice, but I didn't have my camera with me)

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