Friday, June 27, 2008

it's friday again

Friday already? mm.. always have that " i dunno what to wear" syndrome on Thursday night, at one point, i told myself to stop buyin casual outfits and must give priority to work clothes..
and then when i open up my wardrobe, i seriously have nothing to wear for Fridays ler ! have lotsa tops... but.. no bottoms ! first thing on my to-do list, get a pair of jeans ! must do that soon, if not ppl are goin to realise that i'm wearing the same few skirts every Friday.. ( oops.. now they know)

darn it's a min to 8.30pm already

let's hope the hours get pass really quickly. can't wait for 5.30pm ! am goin to Zouk tonight with some friends.. hmm it's been a while since i partied.. hehe


YEN said...

is 8.30a.m lah not

Amanda said...

i was thinking of evening already mar.. hehe

YEN said...

forever u are my good ah jie...big ah jie...thanks to god that i get to meet u must remember that u have this cool AKA sis before ya :)