It has been some time since i could take time to pen off my thoughts. in the meantime, obviously the woman beside me had to endure my blabberings. then again she was off from work on Thurs and Fri, thus, a break from me and my grandmother stories ! Ha!
Last week was a whole week of training for me, and i was down with food poisoning on Thurs.. darn, just when I had to leave for IW the next day! but i went anyway.. ha ha ( soon young's style).
Thursday was a horrible day, as i was basically throwing up my food and making repeated trips to the loo, and to make things worst, the air-conditioning at work wasn't working.. that nearly killed me. ( tak tahan panas and sesak nafas lar...) Took an early lunch break at 11.30, and came back feeling much better. Condition got worst towards 5 pm, and headed home sharp at 5.35pm. For the first time this year, I reached home before dark, Mom was impressed.. but not so after knowing the reason why. Paid a visit to Mr.Doc and came back with loads of medicine..was feeling cold and hot at the same time.. hid under my blanket the whole time.. and after 2 slices of bread + medicine.. terus KO sampai pagi.
of course, i packed my backpack for IW first.. was to leave after work and head to IYC on Friday.
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