Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Am too tired to write much. Have I been that well rested that I can't survive a few days of stress and travelling? Was up baking til 3am, am not complaining tho, cos i was rushing a last minute batch of cookies for a friend. She ordered 7 bottles ! yay.. that's a pair of new shoes and a new top perhaps. Thanks dearie !

Been up and about attending interviews, am hoping to finalise and start work after CNY. keeping my fingers crossed.

CNY is 4 days away.. can't wait.. la la la ...
and for now.. my bed awaits.. am goin to lie down a while..can feel my eyes shutting...


shawnlee66 said...

hey amanda, finally i got the chance to flash through ur blog. it's captivating. keep up the good work!

yaya, we'll keep our fringers crossed for you as well, and legs and tongues crossed too, haha.

feels great huh to be able to scotch a space to blast your feelings out be it good or bad. ur going the right way dear. don't stop!


Amanda said...

Hey Shawn,

Thanks for dropping by, and the compliments. My blog started as a ranting spot on the cyberspace for me, and now I'm slowly combining it with personal reviews of foods, places and perhaps books Ive read. There's so much to learn!

You'll definitely find out once I'm employed !

Ps: I feel bad asking, but your profile doesn't hint anything. Are you Shawn Lee from TBM? As I know a Shawn Ling from work too :P
