am feeling so restless and bengang now. dunno why. loaded with work, ideas to be implemented, tasks to be carried out and papers to review..
argh.. am goin thru one of those moments.. that i wish i can run away and do nothing.. but hey, wait a minute, didn't i just come back from a great trip? sigh.. not enuf ler..
i'm goin thru one of those emotional periods.. literally as well. brain seems to be shutting down, body absolutely restless.. feel like running away...
brings me back to this time when i was back in uni, i was feeling so stressed out from assignments and exams, called mom to tell her, and ended up crying to her.. got her a lil worried, but the comfort received helped a lot.. as much as a lot of us have forgotten it, but moms ARE the ones who know us best..
get up and get back to work amanda thooi !!sigh
Well, when Ah Jie and me saw u today during lunch time suddenly broke down and got both of us a little bit shock lah..not shock but just like " eh wht's wrong with her"..u kow this thought...hmm then both of us is like exchanging eye's signal to see who will go and ask wht happen to u and is like hmm finally Ah Jie is the one who go and cheer u up a bit...well if is too much work and is not happy, then try to think about those happy moments and take a 5 minutes rest from it...then once u're cool down with ur emotion then just continue ur work...sometimes wht i feel is that when the brain is full of things and is like making us getting much more frustrate and is like there is tones of task waiting for me to finish it, i will try to relax my self up and cheer my elf up and say to my self that i can finish all the things...end up i really try not to get urself over tight with those works that is around u..i know u have tones and tones and tones of work..sometimes i also don't dare to go ask questions on u ..end up i'll keep it and till when u are free then only will ask u..hmm so cheer up ba :)
floting ice : thanks girl for the concern, but i'm doin fine. it was just that 5 mins.. fine.. mayb 30 mins down moment.. but whatever it is i will still stand up and move on.. have to watch if you are doing work mar ! hehe
that woman beside is always my de-stress source la.. after i blabber everything to her.. i'll be ok d.
hugs !
floting ice: the next time you spot me being like that, you could get me a chocolate bar :) haha
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