Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The bob !

I finally had a haircut, after putting up with this messy curls that was going out of place for months!

It was totally unplanned, funny how it just happened and the opportunity came along. I've been saying that I need a haircut since the 2nd of April. Every weekend in fact, but time never allowed. I think the comment from my colleague pushed me towards that direction. I had a really bad hair day at work yesterday, so i kept it all up and away from my face. No, it wasn't the usual pony tail, it was just a short stump! When she saw me in the pantry, she said I looked like an "ah sam", literally, a middle aged "aunty". Oh, I was so offended, and I thought, that's it, I'm cutting my hair this week! And then the email flashed, to say that sales meeting is canceled, so I hurried along and got a haircut.

Feeling so much lighter and happier.

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